To the world, you may be someone... but to someone, you may be the world... right?.... maybe not.... or could it be?.....
Friday, February 27, 2009
Beach Trip/ Attachment!!
Didnt update for a few days.. (was lazy to on comp actually :P) And i didnt want to use the other comp.. y??... 'cos i ONLY LOVE my laptop! my one and only lappy!! ......... ok nevermind.
Wed(25 Feb 09) Went to West Coast. At Last! For our beach trip. But u know what??... It was not like how i expected it to be. There was not much sand. Just a small pit of sand. U know just for the name sake.. that there is sand!.. Haha!.. So funny... We (stupidly) went there so early like 12pm+.. And it was soooo hot!.. Sun was blazing away above us. And guess what just as we sat down to eat, it started drizling!!... Yea Really!... It was raining and sunny at the same time! haha!... We had to run for shelter. But luckily there was not much people around. Infact the place was really really empty. Except for a few grass cutting men and a handful of people. I think when we arrived there, in the whole beach, there was only about 10 ppl. including 3 of us!
After that walked around for sometime and then we went to the bridge and sat there. S and F were so cute!... The lied down on the mat.. Haha... They both are so cute sometimes. After that walked around for sometime again and went to Mac for a small bite.. (me and F had ice cream! Our fav Ice cream Cone! And it tasted soo nice.. So much better than our campus Mac Ice cream) =) And then waited there for the sunset. =) Around 6+ went back to the bridge and laid the mat and sat there waiting for the sunset! =) This time, the place was so much cooler(haha).
And then....................................It was nice!....very nice......At last!.................................... =)
Oh i almost forgot. We saw Rainbow! Double rainbow in fact! S and F were like clicking away with their cams. =)
On the whole, it was a very very nice day! After soo long!
Planning another trip to East Coast. But not sure when... But not too soon.
I got attached!!... to a Bank!! OMG!. Soo worried! for 3 months!!... *sigh* Hopefully everything goes well... right?... right??... Pray for me everyone!
i thank God:
- for giving me a gr8 time at the beach with F and S.
- for getting me into this Job. =)... (Its a good thing rite?... oh God! (>.<))
That's all ... Take Care everyone!
Wed(25 Feb 09) Went to West Coast. At Last! For our beach trip. But u know what??... It was not like how i expected it to be. There was not much sand. Just a small pit of sand. U know just for the name sake.. that there is sand!.. Haha!.. So funny... We (stupidly) went there so early like 12pm+.. And it was soooo hot!.. Sun was blazing away above us. And guess what just as we sat down to eat, it started drizling!!... Yea Really!... It was raining and sunny at the same time! haha!... We had to run for shelter. But luckily there was not much people around. Infact the place was really really empty. Except for a few grass cutting men and a handful of people. I think when we arrived there, in the whole beach, there was only about 10 ppl. including 3 of us!
After that walked around for sometime and then we went to the bridge and sat there. S and F were so cute!... The lied down on the mat.. Haha... They both are so cute sometimes. After that walked around for sometime again and went to Mac for a small bite.. (me and F had ice cream! Our fav Ice cream Cone! And it tasted soo nice.. So much better than our campus Mac Ice cream) =) And then waited there for the sunset. =) Around 6+ went back to the bridge and laid the mat and sat there waiting for the sunset! =) This time, the place was so much cooler(haha).
And then....................................It was nice!....very nice......At last!.................................... =)
Oh i almost forgot. We saw Rainbow! Double rainbow in fact! S and F were like clicking away with their cams. =)
On the whole, it was a very very nice day! After soo long!
Planning another trip to East Coast. But not sure when... But not too soon.
I got attached!!... to a Bank!! OMG!. Soo worried! for 3 months!!... *sigh* Hopefully everything goes well... right?... right??... Pray for me everyone!
i thank God:
- for giving me a gr8 time at the beach with F and S.
- for getting me into this Job. =)... (Its a good thing rite?... oh God! (>.<))
That's all ... Take Care everyone!
Monday, February 23, 2009
in sch...4 the last time?...
Went to campus (for the last time as a student?). Met with S. Took some pics.. of us and also the school.. U know.. for memory =) . Wanted to order a CD but the place was closed by the time we went to order. Had my favourite Chicken Wrap (for the last time as a student?) && S had her favourite Cheese Cake.
After that, went to Ang Mo Kio - AMK Hub. Walked around amk for a while and then came home. Its nice going shopping with S 'cos she helps to save $$ =).
*Sigh*... i dont know what to do...
Today i thank God:
- for giving me a nice time with S
- for giving me a nice time during the journey to and from school
- for giving me a nice day basically
After that, went to Ang Mo Kio - AMK Hub. Walked around amk for a while and then came home. Its nice going shopping with S 'cos she helps to save $$ =).
*Sigh*... i dont know what to do...
Today i thank God:
- for giving me a nice time with S
- for giving me a nice time during the journey to and from school
- for giving me a nice day basically
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Oh God!.. i'm so tired!... i think my knees are going to give way soon.. (>.<) ... And my throat feels dry after talking soo much and So loudly to the kids!... Sometimes those kids can be so unruly!.. (>.<)... But still they are such angels... hehe...
Today i thank God:
- for giving me a nice time at the lesson =)
- for helping me do not too badly at the ***** lesson too... =)
Today i thank God:
- for giving me a nice time at the lesson =)
- for helping me do not too badly at the ***** lesson too... =)
Thursday, February 19, 2009
@ Orchard!
Went to Orchard Road today... Met up with S and F After sooooooo long... haha... S and i walked and walked.... and walked .... and... guess?... Yea! Walked even more.. haha... all around Orchard Road. Now leg hurts like dunno what!... Then met with F for some time... It was nice to be with them after a long time. Even though it was only for a short time. but still... nice.. =)
Planning a beach trip soon.. next week probably.. Cant wait.. =)...
Today i thank God:
- for giving me a nice time with F and S.... =)
Planning a beach trip soon.. next week probably.. Cant wait.. =)...
Today i thank God:
- for giving me a nice time with F and S.... =)
Monday, February 16, 2009
All i know...
Ok Let me borrow my friend's word... "Sux"... Everything just sux!! ... That's all i know.... Well.. yea... literally... 'cos i dont know anything right??... i am a dumb rite??... a retarded being... who is good for nothing!!
Terrible day!!... Why?... 'cos... 'cos........ i dont know... its just terrible...
I feel sad for no reason... i feel like crying for no reason... I get crying spells... u know like dizzy spells... *Sigh*... What is happening to me!?!?!.. I feel like my life has no meaning.... Why am i living??...
God help me!!...
Terrible day!!... Why?... 'cos... 'cos........ i dont know... its just terrible...
I feel sad for no reason... i feel like crying for no reason... I get crying spells... u know like dizzy spells... *Sigh*... What is happening to me!?!?!.. I feel like my life has no meaning.... Why am i living??...
God help me!!...
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Friday the 13th...

They say its supposed to be a very unlucky day... u know... when Friday, a not nice day and 13, a not nice number comes together, it marks a very not-lucky day.
But nothing unlucky has happened to me until now... But then again when has any day been lucky??... haha!... Nono... actually i have been lucky quite a number of times... hmm.. which comes back to Me!... A Luckily Unlucky Star!.... Haha!!
Years of hurt turns to Sadness..........
Sadness over time turns to Anger..........
Anger over time (with constant hurt and sadness) turns to Hatred...........
And it becomes irreversible....... forever.... i guess...
Today i thank God:
- for not letting me have any exceptional bad luck (until now...errr) on Fri the 13th. =)
Take Care Everyone.... =)
Thursday, February 12, 2009
It has been more than 3 days since i talked more than 4 sentences a day.. It has been days since i talked any of my family members properly.. Not that i talk too much to everyone... but lately........ *Sigh*
I DREAD staying at home.. and i dread even more going out! Then where do i go?... i know... heaven.. the only place i can go is heaven... that is if i can get into Heaven is the 1st place.. haha.. 'cos i'm evil.. pure evil... who is self-centered and desire harm to everyone around me.. *Evil laugh*... ok nevermind..
This reminds me...
"Has any C****** ever stayed up after 9 pm to help you?.. Dont be so dumb!"
I dont help people expecting anything in return... i just help people who are nice to me and has helped me in the past. =) ... If that is being dumb... then yes... i am dumb.. =)
Y do people help others and be nice to others with a motive behind? (i have seen people like that in school)... I hate people like that... They help people expecting things in return... That is not help... that is more like a business deal or a negotiation. Friends do not make deals.. Friends helps each other as if they are doing it for themselves. That is friendship. True friendship.
And just because friends grow apart doesnt mean they were never friends... i have seen good freinds and when they drift apart they act like enemies... Its like they have never known each other at all.. How terrible!
Racism and religion-ism starts at home.. U may not realize it. Cant blame them actually... 'cos they had to suffer it the hard way.. But we cant see people through out stereotyped eyes... Not everyone is like how we think.
So.................. so what??.. i have to go now.. Haha!
Today i thank God:
- for giving me a quiet day.... yea that's better.. =)
Take Care everyone..
I DREAD staying at home.. and i dread even more going out! Then where do i go?... i know... heaven.. the only place i can go is heaven... that is if i can get into Heaven is the 1st place.. haha.. 'cos i'm evil.. pure evil... who is self-centered and desire harm to everyone around me.. *Evil laugh*... ok nevermind..
This reminds me...
"Has any C****** ever stayed up after 9 pm to help you?.. Dont be so dumb!"
I dont help people expecting anything in return... i just help people who are nice to me and has helped me in the past. =) ... If that is being dumb... then yes... i am dumb.. =)
Y do people help others and be nice to others with a motive behind? (i have seen people like that in school)... I hate people like that... They help people expecting things in return... That is not help... that is more like a business deal or a negotiation. Friends do not make deals.. Friends helps each other as if they are doing it for themselves. That is friendship. True friendship.
And just because friends grow apart doesnt mean they were never friends... i have seen good freinds and when they drift apart they act like enemies... Its like they have never known each other at all.. How terrible!
Racism and religion-ism starts at home.. U may not realize it. Cant blame them actually... 'cos they had to suffer it the hard way.. But we cant see people through out stereotyped eyes... Not everyone is like how we think.
So.................. so what??.. i have to go now.. Haha!
Today i thank God:
- for giving me a quiet day.... yea that's better.. =)
Take Care everyone..
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
still searching / weird
Still searching for the courage... i'll get it... one day... one fine day...
Some people claim that i've got weird friends... But they're not weird, they are just like you and me. Just normal beings who wants to be treated just like everyone else. U see, i'm a person who looks inside the mind of a person not how a person is outside. It doesnt matter how the person looks on the outside, be it tall, short, dark, fair, bigger in size, smaller in size, beautiful, not so pretty...... etc etc... it doesnt matter to me at all... All that matters to me is that the person has a kind heart.. a forgiving mind.. someone who has empathy for others... not just sympathy but Empathy... And last but not least (in fact the most important) a open heart to accept other people's thoughts and believes... And i believe 2 of my best friends has these qualities. And they are NOT weird. I guess their definition of weird is - "different from other people"... If u look at it that way, Everyone is different so Everyone is weird! We're all weird... I'm weird... u r weird... haha...
Today i thank God:
- for giving me a better day than the past 2 days...
That's all... Take Care Everyone... =)
Some people claim that i've got weird friends... But they're not weird, they are just like you and me. Just normal beings who wants to be treated just like everyone else. U see, i'm a person who looks inside the mind of a person not how a person is outside. It doesnt matter how the person looks on the outside, be it tall, short, dark, fair, bigger in size, smaller in size, beautiful, not so pretty...... etc etc... it doesnt matter to me at all... All that matters to me is that the person has a kind heart.. a forgiving mind.. someone who has empathy for others... not just sympathy but Empathy... And last but not least (in fact the most important) a open heart to accept other people's thoughts and believes... And i believe 2 of my best friends has these qualities. And they are NOT weird. I guess their definition of weird is - "different from other people"... If u look at it that way, Everyone is different so Everyone is weird! We're all weird... I'm weird... u r weird... haha...
Today i thank God:
- for giving me a better day than the past 2 days...
That's all... Take Care Everyone... =)
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Future looks dark....... pitch dark..........
I dont want to go in there... i dont want to go in to that future...............
no..... i wont.............................
Shall i?..........................
"God, You gave me everything... good things.. bad things and worse things... but You didnt give me one thing....... the courage to kill myself..."
"But its ok.... i'll get it myself..." =)
I dont want to go in there... i dont want to go in to that future...............
no..... i wont.............................
Shall i?..........................
"God, You gave me everything... good things.. bad things and worse things... but You didnt give me one thing....... the courage to kill myself..."
"But its ok.... i'll get it myself..." =)
Monday, February 9, 2009
............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. This is all i've got to say...........................
Ouch!.. ouuch!! (T.T)... *sigh*
"--- Some people come into our lives and when they leave, they leave their footprints in our hearts.... but some never comes in our life but owns part of our heart and take it away when they leave..."
Today i thank God:
- for .................... erm... i dunno... for............. for........... for the food on my table (even though i've got no appetite to eat)
Take Care everyone..............
Ouch!.. ouuch!! (T.T)... *sigh*
"--- Some people come into our lives and when they leave, they leave their footprints in our hearts.... but some never comes in our life but owns part of our heart and take it away when they leave..."
Today i thank God:
- for .................... erm... i dunno... for............. for........... for the food on my table (even though i've got no appetite to eat)
Take Care everyone..............
Thursday, February 5, 2009
run away!
Can i run away somewhere??.... yea... far far away from everyone and everything??... so far away that no one can reach me.......?? But then again, running away from problems are not a permanent solution rite?.. unless.................... unless........................ hmm... Sometimes i feel like i just had enough!
Today instead of thanking God, i shall ask God smt:
- "God, would you be kind enough to take me to u? And not let me return to this earth"?...
Take Care everyone...
Today instead of thanking God, i shall ask God smt:
- "God, would you be kind enough to take me to u? And not let me return to this earth"?...
Take Care everyone...
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
sick Again!
I am sick again!... (>.<) I think my body's immunity power has been spoilt. I must start taking care of my health.... and get some fat into my body.... (>.<)!! ....
SH: "How old are you ****a*a?
Me: "20"
SH: "But u dont look like 20 u know... u look younger than that"
I dont know isit suppose to be a complement or a criticism...
'cos an incident that happened about 2 yrs ago made me realize that when ppl say u look younger, it may not always be good... hehe!...
here's what happened:
Optician: "How old are you? 11?"
Me:*shocked face* "i'm 17......................... "
Optician: *sheepish face* "Oh.... Haha ... i see"
Me: *thinking* "hmm... u need a spectacle more than me"...
So u see its not a very nice feeling when a 17 yr old is mistaken for an 11 yr old. =)
What am i going to do for 1 month?... i feel like looking for a job. Yea just for 1 month.. Shall i?................ but ........................................................
*sigh*.......................... *sigh* .............................. *sigh* ............ ok i must stop sigh-ing now...
Today i thank God:
- for giving me a nicer day today than yesterday. =)
Take Care Everyone... =)
SH: "How old are you ****a*a?
Me: "20"
SH: "But u dont look like 20 u know... u look younger than that"
I dont know isit suppose to be a complement or a criticism...
'cos an incident that happened about 2 yrs ago made me realize that when ppl say u look younger, it may not always be good... hehe!...
here's what happened:
Optician: "How old are you? 11?"
Me:*shocked face* "i'm 17......................... "
Optician: *sheepish face* "Oh.... Haha ... i see"
Me: *thinking* "hmm... u need a spectacle more than me"...
So u see its not a very nice feeling when a 17 yr old is mistaken for an 11 yr old. =)
What am i going to do for 1 month?... i feel like looking for a job. Yea just for 1 month.. Shall i?................ but ........................................................
*sigh*.......................... *sigh* .............................. *sigh* ............ ok i must stop sigh-ing now...
Today i thank God:
- for giving me a nicer day today than yesterday. =)
Take Care Everyone... =)
Monday, February 2, 2009
Yesh!... Finally!! Over!... its all over!!... 3 years of suffering!..haha!... nono... maybe it wasnt too much of a suffering... But still ... very happy that its over... =D ..
The presentation was not too bad. The markers were ... well... happy?... at least they didnt seem angry or annoyed. 3 of us came across as too soft spoken and the leader was ok =) . I didnt think in my membership, there was anything to say so loud and stress anything in it.
Today i forgot to bring my laptop charger!!... Of all the days, i had to forget today!!... in the end L was kind enough to lend us her laptop... =) and it went well...
Anyhow, the important thing now is that IT'S OVER! *smile*
It also means.......................................................................................................
Now i'll have to wait for attachement and then...................... Freedom!.. or isit?........................
Today i thank God:
- for helping me cross this big barrier in life--> Today's presentation.
- for giving me a nice time b4 presentation =)
That's all... Take Care everyone... and thank you for praying for me... =)
Sunday, February 1, 2009
omg... omg... omg.... Oh My God................... *Butterflies in my stomach*
Project 99.99% done... Tmr(more like 2day... 'cos its already 2.00am) everything will be ok rite?... rite??... (>.<)...
oh God.. pls be there with me...
Today i thank God:
- for helping me finish my project on time
Take Care and pray for me everyone... (>.<)
Project 99.99% done... Tmr(more like 2day... 'cos its already 2.00am) everything will be ok rite?... rite??... (>.<)...
oh God.. pls be there with me...
Today i thank God:
- for helping me finish my project on time
Take Care and pray for me everyone... (>.<)
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