It has been ages since i blogged. Bz bz.. really bz. Its has been more than 2 weeks or isit exactly 2 weeks since i last blogged..
Updates??...hmm lets see... OH yes! I have to write this ... not just for everyone to know but for me to remember.. hehe! 'cos it would be nice to read all this again after a long time eh?
on 13 April 09, i had a terrible day. Well, not too bad but it was like this.
I left for work in the morning, took bus to the mrt station and went over to the Card-Top-Up machine to top up my card. Guess what??... i didnt bring my wallet. yay =.= . i thought, "it's ok.. i can top up tomorrow" and i proceeded to the ticket couter or what ever its called.. and tapped my card. Darn it! the door or dont know what thig, didnt open 'cos there was only $2+ in my card. Then?? What to do?.. Called Mummy and asked her to bring my wallet downstairs while i took taxi there and took the same taxi back to work place. My $20+ flew away just like that!! (>.<)
You see i am a kind of person who saves as much $$ as possible. And when things like this happens, my heart brks. =( But its ok. Yea?... =)
Then the week went by as per normal. Lots of work. Not much time.
And then last week sunday was the Vishu prog. The dance went ok. Not too bad. Even though i made some little mistakes here and there. The whole event went well also. There was this item by a lady and her brother. It was really nice. She was so elegant. I wish to learn that form of dance. Its really nice.
But before that i have to finish what i'm learning now eh?.. =)
And then another week of work went by. Last week one day i was on MC. Thursday, to be exact. My $30 gone!... haha... oh well... But u see even on the day i was on mc, i was thinking of work i guess. I think my mind has become tuned to working life. 'cos i was sleeping in the afternoon after taking medication. And i was dreaming that i was replying enquiries in the email and doing the report and all. Haha!... i was feeling so frustrated and angry that i'm not able to finish my work on time and all in the dream. Haha! =)
So end of the week and start of the week end yesterday.
Went for dance practice as usual yesterday. It was ok. There was a last min stuff. Had to do an item urgently today for some recording or something. So this afternoon went for that.
I did together with my classmate. We were so tensed up. We couldnt smile at all. All the people around was like... "smile girls smile!"... I managed to smile a little. I wonder how it will turn out.. haha!...
That's all for the updates.
Have to go now....
Take Care Everyone...
To the world, you may be someone... but to someone, you may be the world... right?.... maybe not.... or could it be?.....
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter
Happy Easter Everyone! =)

May God bring peace to this world.
Got a long weekend. Feels like heaven seriously... I was longing for a long holiday.
After a long time, i started drawing on 10 April 09 to be exact. Well it started out as doodling on the news paper.
I saw a pen lying near the news paper and i just started recolouring the model's lipstick and gave her some accessories and recoloured her hair. And then i stared drawing stuff. Then i got so engrossed in it that i went to get a book and started drawing.
Feels happy to draw after a long time. I realize something... that when i'm really sad or depressed or feeling very moody, when i draw something that i like, it really helps me to lighten the mood. I feel light ... a little happy... singing helps too i realize. When i feel down all of a sudden i just lock myself in the room and starts singing to myself... i feel better after sometime.
Weird me eh?... =)
Lots of turmoils in my life. More turmoils coming soon..
Gg to drift apart(physically) from S and F soon. But emotionally we'll always be together ya? no matter how far away we are... =)
I wonder if i'll ever get a gr8-er friend than them... no.. i dont think its possible.
I guess its my fate that i cant be with ppl that i like.
Thank you God for everything. The good things and the bad things too... 'cos these bad things makes me a better person and You know that better than i do.
Happy Easter once Again everyone.. =)
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
7 April 09
7 April 09 7 April 09 7 April 09 7 April 09 7 April 09 7 April 09 7 April 09
Was darn bz at work!... So many things to do!!.... and to add on to it, my friend (poly-mate) didnt come today!... He was on MC and i had to do his work too!!... so the whole morning, i was doing his work and after lunch, i started doing my own work. But ppl keep asking me to do other things and i cant finish my own work that i'm supposed to finish! Its like ... everyone keep giving me small but tedious kind of work to do. "S*****a, pls find this person's application form and fax it over pls"... "S*****a, pls add in the details of these people. Thx" ... "S*****a, pls update the list" ... "S*****a, pls go over to the other building to get something from them. Thx"... S*****a this S*****a that.......................... aggh!!
So many people keep approaching for donations and to sign up for certain plan and stuff like that. And after they explain the whole thing to me and i say i dont have Debit card or credit card 'cos i'm still a student, they'll be like.. "ouh!"... haha!...
7 April 09 7 April 09 7 April 09 7 April 09 7 April 09 7 April 09 7 April 09
Nice design eh??... =D
Was darn bz at work!... So many things to do!!.... and to add on to it, my friend (poly-mate) didnt come today!... He was on MC and i had to do his work too!!... so the whole morning, i was doing his work and after lunch, i started doing my own work. But ppl keep asking me to do other things and i cant finish my own work that i'm supposed to finish! Its like ... everyone keep giving me small but tedious kind of work to do. "S*****a, pls find this person's application form and fax it over pls"... "S*****a, pls add in the details of these people. Thx" ... "S*****a, pls update the list" ... "S*****a, pls go over to the other building to get something from them. Thx"... S*****a this S*****a that.......................... aggh!!
So many people keep approaching for donations and to sign up for certain plan and stuff like that. And after they explain the whole thing to me and i say i dont have Debit card or credit card 'cos i'm still a student, they'll be like.. "ouh!"... haha!...
7 April 09 7 April 09 7 April 09 7 April 09 7 April 09 7 April 09 7 April 09
Nice design eh??... =D
Monday, April 6, 2009
long lost friend
Today i woke up with a very unique dream. I saw my long lost friend. Today's dream was quite vivid and long. But i cant remember much of it. Just this:
I went out of my house(in Singapore) to buy something which my mother asked me to. But outside was in my hometown(not S'pore) get it?...
So i was walking along the road and there were alot of muslim girls wearing scarf in different styles and i was looking at them and thinking...They look so pretty in scarf and all. Some were wearing like normal as in just throw the scarf around their head others were wearing properly with ears covered and all. And i was thinking to my self "Wow... they must be really religious girls" and "they look so pretty in the proper scarf" .
As i looked suddenly i saw this girl walking towards me and i looked at hear face. She looked really familiar... she saw me looking at her and she looked at me too.. and suddenly i recognised her and we smiled at each other and i said... "Eh!... Hafsath?" and she said "Hey... "S*****a??" OMG I was really so happy!!... and then i wanted to ask her alot of things but suddenly this car came between us and she said something to the person inside (or was she showing the correct direction to the driver?.. i dunno.. cant remember). And she walked to her house gate. I was like. 'eh ... wait... do you have hp?.. can i have you number .. so that we can keep in contact?" She said ok..come to my house.. so i followed her to the house and she went in the house i waited outside in the balcony" And then... ok this is really weird.... her mother came out and gave me some coins!... and i happily took that and left and went back to my house. Haha!!... i mean it makes no sense!!
But it was really nice to see Hafsath again...
We used to be quite good friends... and then somehow we drifted apart after we moved to different class. In the morning i missed her really bad.
She was a sweet, pretty, shy girl. But she had her bad side too of course... Just like everyone she would talk bad about ppl that she didnt like... Everyone does that right?... But still i liked her... She was really nice. I wish i could see her again.
Maybe even if we pass by each other now, we may not recognise each other. So sad... I really wish i can see her.
I went out of my house(in Singapore) to buy something which my mother asked me to. But outside was in my hometown(not S'pore) get it?...
So i was walking along the road and there were alot of muslim girls wearing scarf in different styles and i was looking at them and thinking...They look so pretty in scarf and all. Some were wearing like normal as in just throw the scarf around their head others were wearing properly with ears covered and all. And i was thinking to my self "Wow... they must be really religious girls" and "they look so pretty in the proper scarf" .
As i looked suddenly i saw this girl walking towards me and i looked at hear face. She looked really familiar... she saw me looking at her and she looked at me too.. and suddenly i recognised her and we smiled at each other and i said... "Eh!... Hafsath?" and she said "Hey... "S*****a??" OMG I was really so happy!!... and then i wanted to ask her alot of things but suddenly this car came between us and she said something to the person inside (or was she showing the correct direction to the driver?.. i dunno.. cant remember). And she walked to her house gate. I was like. 'eh ... wait... do you have hp?.. can i have you number .. so that we can keep in contact?" She said ok..come to my house.. so i followed her to the house and she went in the house i waited outside in the balcony" And then... ok this is really weird.... her mother came out and gave me some coins!... and i happily took that and left and went back to my house. Haha!!... i mean it makes no sense!!
But it was really nice to see Hafsath again...
We used to be quite good friends... and then somehow we drifted apart after we moved to different class. In the morning i missed her really bad.
She was a sweet, pretty, shy girl. But she had her bad side too of course... Just like everyone she would talk bad about ppl that she didnt like... Everyone does that right?... But still i liked her... She was really nice. I wish i could see her again.
Maybe even if we pass by each other now, we may not recognise each other. So sad... I really wish i can see her.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
unruly but adorable kids
There are somethings that you find so difficult but u enjoy it and there are things that are easy but u just dread doing it. =)
Those kids are just so hyper active. I had to almost scream to make them listen to me. But if u see it in another way, its actually a good thing. 'Cos you see... its because they are so enthusiastic about learning dance that they are so happy and hyper active. Imagine if i had a class with all dull and not-interested-to-dance kids. omg... i think i wouldn't like the class at all!
So i love those kids even though they can be soo unruly sometimes. =)
Am i the only one in this world who cannot get along with ................................................. *sigh* Is it really my fault?... OK let me rephrase that... Is it really all my fault? Am i the only person who make mistakes?? *sigh* Is it going to be like that forever??
Take Care Everyone
Those kids are just so hyper active. I had to almost scream to make them listen to me. But if u see it in another way, its actually a good thing. 'Cos you see... its because they are so enthusiastic about learning dance that they are so happy and hyper active. Imagine if i had a class with all dull and not-interested-to-dance kids. omg... i think i wouldn't like the class at all!
So i love those kids even though they can be soo unruly sometimes. =)
Am i the only one in this world who cannot get along with ................................................. *sigh* Is it really my fault?... OK let me rephrase that... Is it really all my fault? Am i the only person who make mistakes?? *sigh* Is it going to be like that forever??
Take Care Everyone
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Weeee... look at me... i'm a rubbish bin... weeheehee... =.= ................
God take me away... take me to you... plss.... plssss.....
Everyday, i wake up with a song being played in my head. Yesterday's song was from a movie.
Today's song was the ISS elimination round song. =)!...
Tired... very tired... feel like life seriously sux!
Oh this reminds me.
I saw this prog in TV 2 days ago. This religious person (i think he's a priest cum motivator cum preacher) was giving a talk and these words he said just struck my mind really hard.
He said, "When you cant reach up to standards set by people, that's when depression sets in. When you are not able to reach up to the expectations of others, you start hating yourself and u start hating the ppl who set those expectations." How True! How very true.....
I wish i could see that series everyday. But i cant. Its telecasted every morning. I was late to leave house that day That's why i could see.
I'm hungry but i dont feel like eating........ Well, it has been like that for a long long time... i will be hungy i wont feel like putting the food into the mouth. Sometimes i'll even feel like vomiting with the food in the mouth. But my stomach will be growling... Seriously i should just............................. *sigh*................... nevermind.......................
God take me away... take me to you... plss.... plssss.....
Everyday, i wake up with a song being played in my head. Yesterday's song was from a movie.
Today's song was the ISS elimination round song. =)!...
Tired... very tired... feel like life seriously sux!
Oh this reminds me.
I saw this prog in TV 2 days ago. This religious person (i think he's a priest cum motivator cum preacher) was giving a talk and these words he said just struck my mind really hard.
He said, "When you cant reach up to standards set by people, that's when depression sets in. When you are not able to reach up to the expectations of others, you start hating yourself and u start hating the ppl who set those expectations." How True! How very true.....
I wish i could see that series everyday. But i cant. Its telecasted every morning. I was late to leave house that day That's why i could see.
I'm hungry but i dont feel like eating........ Well, it has been like that for a long long time... i will be hungy i wont feel like putting the food into the mouth. Sometimes i'll even feel like vomiting with the food in the mouth. But my stomach will be growling... Seriously i should just............................. *sigh*................... nevermind.......................
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
some words..........
I feel............ i feel................ empty.................... i couldn't feel me walking in my way back from work. I was floating back you can say.... I wasn't bothered about what was happening around me. I didn't know what was happening. I was just floating away... just floating away..........
Have you ever seen a lost balloon?.... no... you wont see it again............ never................
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