Yup as the title suggests...Yet another dream...
That my hometown(K**i**r) had a volcanic eruption... i know i know... its absurd but that 's what i dreamt! Have got no idea why...
I was carrying my cousin's child (in reality she has got no children.. LOL) and i was standing at a big barren ground (in reality there really is a ground at that place). And all of a sudden, the volcanoes erupted ... 2 of them actually... and i was panic struck.. My first thought was .. omg i must get him to his mother.. and hope they;re safe and all... and i ran towards their house ... when i was half way i realized i had left my brother back there... and i was devastated!... and then somethings happened .. cant remember what...
Then reached aunt's house and all were panicking and we could see lava slowly flowing down the volcano's wall.
We all got into a car and were recklessly driving to a safer place..... and of all ppl the driver had to be............................................... LOL! No it was not me!... =D!
When i woke up, after the hangover of the dream faded, i was literally laughing out loud... But it was definitely not something to be laughed at in the dream..
What's wrong with me?... Just cant seem to concentrate.. Mind's wandering and the worst part is i don't even realize it..... Need lots and lots and lots of luck to pass this exam!!... Wonder if they allow sup paper for this ... really hope they do... oh God!
You know that empty feeling you have and you've got no idea why..
The feeling just creeps up to you and grabs you and throws you down the abyss and you just fall..... forever... not knowing when or where you'd land..
Do i really have no idea why?... maybe i do...
and the endless battle of IFs and WHYs and HOWs in my mind ... and finally all 3 loses the battle and i just sit there and wonder.... why do i even bother for Heaven's sake!
A person who reads my blog may not understand a single thing about what i'm talking about.... neither do i.......