
Thursday, December 19, 2019

Love is too pure to be connected to any relationship

I know life wouldn't turn out exactly the way you want it, but.. come on.. at least close to it??
I am sick and tired of everything now. When i say everything, i mean every single thing. I just dread waking up now. May be i'm just going through a bad phase in life........... am i??..... When the heck have i ever gone through a good FREAKING phase?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!? Oh God!!!

Now i'm sick of complaining too....

I want to write something nice.... Actually, just a while ago, an old song just started playing in my mind. It brought back some memories. But then..... It some how kind of connected me to my daughter in the end...... You know, love shouldn't be attached to any relationship it should be left on its own. Its just too pure to be connected to any relationship. The feeling of love is so pure, so God like.

Yea.. my daughter is beautiful..
Yea.. she drops nectar from her lips at times.. Haha!
Yea.. Yea she jiggles her bangles and she talks like that too... 😍
Oh God i love my daughter! 😘

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

my toddler and me on a bad, bad day

I've heard that having a toddler makes you go haywire and that you are prone to frequent meltdowns. Well, now i'm experiencing it and its swallowing me whole!

The moment my husband stepped into the house from work today, i told him , " There's the tea on the table and dont call me for half an hour"! without even waiting for a reply i came into the bedroom and locked myself in. And here i am "bleeding" from the eyes and typing away!!

Its a mixture of feelings actually.... worthlessness, guilt, sadness, anger, remorse ......

The worst part is the feeling after screaming at my poor child... i mean its not her fault. That's how toddlers are supposed to be. Spilling things, making a mess, having frequent accidents, falling off and tipping over often.. but at that fraction of a second i just lose it.
What makes it unbearable is not having anyone to crib about it with.. someone who has time... someone who doesn't judge... someone to just listen to what i'm saying and just hold my hand.

Maybe i'm just having a bad day.... Maybe its my PMS.... Maybe.... i dont know... maybe i'm just being me........